i4HB Associated Laboratory – “Meeting with Researchers: dialogues on science policy”
Helena Pereira, president of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) was also present, as well as Maria João Romão, director of UCIBIO, and Joaquim Sampaio Cabral, coordinator of i4HB.
The i4HB event also gave the opportunity to researchers of this LA to get together for the first time. I4HB LA includes researchers from three research units: the Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit (UCIBIO), Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (iBB) and Institute for System Engineering and Computers-Microsystems and Nanotechnologies (INESC.MN), generating synergies to boost the capacities for success in competitive areas of research and innovation.
The debate, moderated by the UCIBIO research lab leader Cecília Roque, was focused in various topics related to the incorporation of researchers into the research career, the difficulties associated with the Individual Scientific Employment Stimulus (CEECs) and funding to support research careers. Other essential resources for the activity of Las such as scientific equipment/infrastructures and other careers for doctoral researchers were also discussed.
Manuel Heitor ended the debate congratulating the i4HB associate laboratory for the broad consortium involving interdisciplinary and strong research institutions.